Winning the RFP Process!

How does a company win or participate in a Communities requests-for-proposals (RFP) process?

Matrix Consortium Community Support Services Group

Communities can achieve 100% of their must-haves from the RFP process. Most communities decide the RFP winner but give up a few of their must-haves and a portion of the community wish-list.

One must weight the community need with the supplier who comes the closest to the over-all scope of the community plan and budget. The winning bidder must have the communities confidence that they are big enough or lateral enough to get the job done.

The RFP process as it has been used often leaves a community over-budget and holding-the-bag on expensive financing, service and maintenance costs.

Matrix Consortium facilitation, helping communities and companies plan and communicate their proposal. Save time and capital while reducing risk.

Matrix Consortium© facilitators can advise and finance private or public projects.


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