Matrix Consortium© can advise and finance private or public projects. Matrix Z©™
The Consortium has the financial expertise to advise you about alternative financing metrics available in the market. Matrix Consortium© members have successfully counseled clients regarding bank loans, bonds, private placements of debt or equity, stalking horse bids and venture capital or syndication options.
Leverage successful operations and developments with strategy metrics to profit and come in on budget!
Matrix Consortium© has many options which are more than competitive. An options matrix covering the entire set of disciplines required for project RFP or client financing need . All we ask for of any community or private project is to be the stalking horse or enter a closed bid process and for private financing just send a note with your questions and tangent.
Joint Venture and stakeholder corporate entities or authorities can refinance with-in a cooperative matrix we design. We can create “Special Purpose Vehicles” to bridge or complete co-op distressed financing.
Matrixz contract metrics with lenders are designed and delivered through the consortia from the legal leaders in joint-venture or stakeholders cooperatives law. Delivery with no-surprises and all entitlements to the client.
Our facilitation delivers on-time and on-budget, at prime lending rates, garnering 100% of the project must-haves and guaranteed. We include last-minute, overlooked, late-entry cooperative member needs.
We approve projects with turnkey solutions, no fits-and-starts and no requirements for the underwrite-and-syndicate approach or hard mini-perms. Projects with a structure and price that is agreeable to all.
A Matrixz due diligence review assists a buyer, investor or lender in assessing a company’s business with-in an industry. This review can range from a high level in-depth evaluation of all or part of the target company’s business and organization metrics. Matrixz Consortium due diligence reviews and reports focus on financial performance, operational strengths and weaknesses, and strategic objectives.
Matrix Consortium value proposition is maximized project efficiency through experienced facilitators.
Matrix Consortium©:(EMD); NEWSWIRE; Dealer Agents ; Exempt Market Dealers ; Developers ; Communities: Through our low-cost Due-diligence(100% refundable at commissioning); we catalog your community or corporate project portfolio and advise you on how to upgrade it to our standards.
Matrix-Z Consortium© techniques are supported by a detailed configuration of consultation and reporting which tracks exactly how each Long and Short term investment goal is performing. When a client is received, we analyze the project history – we can get right to work on your future goals. In addition, we make use of a proprietary “procedural-knowledge-base” of investment solutions that have affected other clients, in the past.
Under Revision
What is the solution for a community that has had funding pulled partway through the project? This is based on a mini-perm.
When soft or hard mini-perms are in the builders or lenders finance metrics, it gives the lender an opportunity to opt-out and ask for all-their-money based on the conditions of the mini-perm. The result is projects have to restructure and most likely refinance, unfortunately this often leaves little option.
Matrixz Consortium can restructure the finance portion at authority bond rate for up 30 years guaranteed. The Consortia can opt-in to the cooperative or JVA and restructure and finish the project to the maximum benefit and entitlement of the stakeholders.
If your community is considering allowing mini-perms in your financial contracts with the developers and lenders you must insist they are soft and that contingency funds are in reserve or otherwise guaranteed.
Matrixz Consortium can advise and review for nominal fee(100% refundable on commissioning of your project)the best course of action for the community cooperative.
The company has other ongoing opportunities as well which you could qualify for. The Consortium performance speaks for itself with no failed projects to date and decades of experience.